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Doa Akhir, Awal Tahun Hijrah

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Hijri year prayer guide in Malay for spiritual growth

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Explore the Doa Akhir, Awal Tahun Hijrah application, which serves as a convenient reference for prayers marking the end and beginning of the Hijri year. Designed with an easy-to-understand Malay language format, this mobile tool is a compact resource for your spiritual needs wherever you go. It features carefully curated supplications based on guidance from various texts, allowing you to enrich your faith during these pivotal times.

You're encouraged to recite the end-of-year Du'a during the last day of Dzul Hijjah, leading up to the evening before Maghrib, while the start-of-year Du'a is recommended after Maghrib prayers on the 1st of Muharram, reading each supplication three times for efficacy.

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The app includes the following key elements:

- The significance of reading the Du'a for both the end and start of the Hijri year.

- Instructions on the proper recitation methods.

- The text of the end-of-year Du'a along with its Malay translation.

- The text of the beginning-of-year Du'a with its Malay translation.

Designed to be a valuable resource, this tool supports your spiritual practices throughout these significant times.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by MRO Studio.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Doa Akhir, Awal Tahun Hijrah 2.0.0

Package Name com.andromo.dev866259.app1024686
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
47 more
Author MRO Studio
Downloads 2
Date Nov 2, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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